Thursday, 22 December 2011

Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy:

Healthy tips for pregnency women
Healthy tips for pregnancy women

Exercise is a big plus for both you and your baby..Exercise increases the blood flow to your skin, giving you a healthy glow. some best exercise during pregency for swimming, Bicycling, Walking....

Exercise is generally considered good for you, but you should always get professional advice when it comes to health and the protection of your baby.

Exercise did not prevent extra weight gain and about half of the women in both groups gained more weight than standard recommendations.

A Checklist Before Exercising:

* Drink lots of water. Carry along a bottle of water or a sports drink with you.
* Wear comfortable shoes that fit well.
* Wear loose, comfortable clothing
* Do some stretching exercises in advance to get your muscles warmed up and flexible  before starting your exercise procedure.
* Get plenty of rest. Don't exercise if you're too tired.

Reduce Stress: Preparing for a child can give you many emotions: excitement, fear, anxiety and anticipation. Exercise will help boost your serotonin levels, lifting your mood and controlling your emotions.

Better Sleep: Having an extra 15 pounds on your tummy can make it hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. But regular exercise will allow you to relax and get a more restful sleep.

Energy Boost: Regular exercise will help combat your pregnancy from draining your energy.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Some stress management tips:

Stress can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases, can cause death. Here are some tips on how to recognize symptoms of stress and manage that stress effectively.

The first tip in managing stress is to recognize your stressors.The next step is to put each of them in their place.  

stress management tips
Stress Management Tips

Develop a support network: Support networks can include family, friends, or workmates. If you're a stay-at-home parent, it's especially important to reach out to others for support. Get to know the other parents at your child's school. If you have a very young child, try to find a play group or mom's group to attend. Volunteer at your child's school.

Leave time for relaxing: Don't overbook yourself. Be selective about the activities you choose for yourself and your family members. Kids need time to unwind, just like adults. Stressed parents can create stressed children. Enjoy relaxing with your kids. Have fun playing board games, going for walks, or watching movies together.  And don't forget taking time to relax by yourself or with friends.  Get yourself a     babysitter and enjoy some kid free time!

Keep a journal: Jot things down that make you feel stressed. Look for patterns. Try to pinpoint your exact stressors. Formulate solutions. Sometimes, merely the act of recording your feelings in a journal will help alleviate your stress. 

Check out stress management books to get more ideas on stress reduction activities.

Friday, 16 December 2011

The health benefits of being in love:

Love makes you smarter:
Falling in love induces a calming effect on the body and mind by raising levels of nerve growth for about a year. This hormone-like substance helps to restore the nervous system and improves memory by triggering the growth of new brain cells. 

Love helps fight cancer:
A new study from the University of Iowa found that ovarian cancer patients with a strong sense of connection to others and satisfying relationships had more vigorous "natural killer" cell activity at the site of their tumours than those who didn't have those social ties.

Love makes you live longer:

love can increase and extending our life spans and improving our mental health states, including reducing depression, for those who focus their attention on giving or helping others...

Love can lower your cholesterol:
Expressing your feelings of affection can reduce cholesterol levels.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

How to Reduce your belly fat:

Reduce your Belly fat
Reduce your Belly fat

Belly fat is a common problem for both men and women. To reduce belly fat is the biggest issue today for everyone. Now research studies indicate that the extra belly fat could challenge your healthy living goals. There are many different methods available to reduce belly fat.

Exercise is very important factor to lose stomach fat. To reduce belly fat one should perform regular exercises like aerobics and also should maintain healthy weight loss diet. Due to exercises you can burn all your unwanted calories and you can surely reduce belly fat.

Some tips for Reduce your belly fat:
  • Do some effective exercises like swimming, jogging, brisk walking, and running for lose belly fat.
  • Drink minimum eight – nine glasses of water.
  • Mix cinnamon in ginger tea or lemon tea and drink once in a day. It helps to reduce stomach fat.
  • Try to lead stress free life and have enough sleep.
  • Intake limited sugar.
  • Add fat burning foods in your daily diet.Include foods rich in vitamin like broccoli, green tea, cabbage, carrots, beans, grapes, watermelon, papayas, apples, garlic, ginger etc.
  • Avoid dairy foods and carbonated drinks.. It is also helps to reduce your stomach fat...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Healthy tips for your pets:

Those who are very interest to grow the pets in their home must follow some of the safety measures to protect and maintain the pet, which makes pets and surroundings clean and good.
Healthy tips for your pets

Some of the tips to maintain the pets are as follows:

  1. Brushing your pet’s teeth at home: It will reduce the so many healthy problems. So first learn to concern about the pet’s dental sanitation.
  2. Clean the ear of the pets: it will shrink the ear disease of your pets.
  3. Make pets to be healthy by reducing the over weight by practicing them the regular exercise.
  4. Follow the pet prescription monthly or half yearly.
  5. Choose the right pets for your family that kids are friendly with them. 
  6. Get ready for your dog for a new kid that you want to ready for the new influx. 
  7. Instruct your children to practice the good behavior for the pet. It is the must condition while growing the pets in the house.  
  8. Plan some Indoor games for your pets to learn. That makes the pet entertained and makes healthy in their life days and also practice some outdoor games.
  9. You must know to avoid the foods that are not healthy fro your pet and keep away from them.
  10. You may punish your pet while they give troubles to you. But think that the punishment should not make the physical harm.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Healthy tips for aloe vera

Aloe vera
Aloe vera has many benefits. It is very used to a lot of skin problems. Aloe vera contains many active ingredients and is not suitabale for all skin types. It is also used in lift masks, medicated jelly, facial cleansing wash, medicated cream, moisturizers, heat rub and the list is endless.
we can use daily in aloe vera products, natural way to improve our health, appearance, mind function and also enjoy many other aloe vera benefits. Aloe vera contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin F, vitamin B and vitamin B12.
Aloe vera plant is really benefical.  Aloe vera products or aloe vera gel straight from the plant can be used in daily it will give better results. Aloe vera is an excellent cooling agent. It is also used in bath helps.
We can take aloe vera to boost their immunity to bacteria, viruses and diseases. By using aloe vera the teeth will became healthier. Aloe vera juice is also important to your digestive system. Drinking aloe vera juice enables for easy and efficient absorption of nutrients from your digestive system.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The food to taken daily

Human beings need nutrition food to day-to-day life for boost up their energy and refresh them. Some of the nutrition needed to human beings are protein, vitamines, iron, calcium, essential fat etc..

      Nutrition is required for our health due to unhealthy several disease will cause. We should not have the capacity to fought with the diseases. Since to improve our health we should take nutrition food daily.
      These are obtained from different varieties of food items. Fish is one of the enriched sea food with protein, Similarly soya bean, nuts, wheat, meat etc... The green leaf contain iron, Milk contain protein, iron, essential fat etc... So daily taking these food items will improve our health..     

Monday, 21 November 2011

Health benefits for Green tea

Green tea is a natural medicine. Green tea health benefits for fighting cancer to helping your heart….

Green tea benefits:
  • If we drink green tea we can live long life..
  • It will gives memory and learning also….
  • It reduces body flat...
  • Green tea contains polyphenols,   this will protect the skin by   improving the elastic tissues..
  • Green tea lowers blood cholesterol levels …
  • Green tea also protect heart disease…
  • By drinking green tea in regular protect smokers from cancer or other diseases..
  • It increases bone mineral density…
  • Green tea makes liver healthy…
  • Green tea also prevent tooth decay…
  • It reduces inflammation and slowing  Cartilage breakdown..
  • Green tea can also be an excellent stimulator and energizer...

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Health benefits of coconut water

coconut water

Coconut   water  health  benefits offers the body so much goodness:

coconut  water  is really  healthy and one of the best drinks to hydrate the body. It helps you to overcome  hot and humid conditions naturally. Coconut water is not only tasty and refreshing, it is healthy too.  The white part is used to make coconut milk….

Along with naturally hydrating the body, coconut water also provides many health benefits. If you are suffering from intestinal worms or urinary problems, then coconut water can help you out.

Drinking pure coconut water on a regular basis will help to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin, giving strength and elasticity to the skin.

It is rich in minerals such as; sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper phosphorus, potassium, proteins, vitamins C and B, glucose…

Coconut Water Health Benefits:

* helps promote weight loss
* boost your immune system
* fight viruses
* boost poor circulation
* great for liver problems such as hepatitis
* help break up kidney stones
* keep body at proper temperature
* good for burns
* helps eliminate swelling in hands and feet
* good for burns

Friday, 11 November 2011

Health benefits of Grapes

Grapes are one of the most popular fruits all over the world. Apart from their sweet, juicy taste, the other reason that makes them a favorite among masses is, its simplicity of eating…
Grapes health benefits include promoting heart health, reducing risks of cancer, stalling Alzheimer's disease and decreasing blood clotting risks.
Benefits of grapes: The beautiful  , juicy  beads of grapes that we consume comprise 70-80% water and 15-30% sugar in the form of glucose or fructose. Besides these two main constituents, grapes also contain various essential nutrients like magnesium, calcium, phosphoric acid, salicylic acid, oxalic acid and loads of vitamins like A, B complex, C and K. 100 grams of grapes contains 60 calories. Grapes help effort many diseases and disorders and assist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are several health benefits of grapes, which are as follows:
  • Grapes contain antioxidants which prevent cancer, heart diseases or even Alzheimer's disease.
  • Grapes delay the bone loss in elderly women, due to their rich calcium content.
  • Red grapes are particularly effective in curing and preventing blood disorders.
  • Grapes are also known to cure asthma, migraine and constipation.
  • Grapes are a source of instant energy, as they provide sugar which is readily absorbed in blood.
  • Grapes promote teething in babies.
  • Grapes relax blood vessels and reduce the problem of high blood pressure.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Health tips for childrens eye care

The following are good eye care tips for the children:

kids eyes

1. Reduce time spent in near work:
    * Reduce time spent on playing games in hand-held electronic devices, or handphone games and other    computer related activities such as blogging and internet chats.
    * Encourage your child to take a break after 30-40 minutes of near work such as reading or writing.   Your   child should look at distant objects for 3 to 5 minutes. They could look out of the window into the distance.

2. Increase time spent on outdoor activities every day:

    *  Increase time spent on outdoor activities like ball games, walks in the park or a family picnic at the beach, etc as there is rising support that outdoor activities may delay the onset or development of shortsightedness in your child.
    *  Outdoor activities should not include reading or playing hand-held games outdoors. Instead, encourage your child to engage in fun activities that involve body movements to increase physical fitness.

3. Encourage other healthy eye care habits:
    *  Ensure there is satisfactory lighting in the room.
    *  When reading, hold the book about 30 cm away from the eyes.
    *  Make sure when using the computer, the monitor screen is about 50 cm away from the eyes.
    *  Sit at a distance away from the TV that is appropriate to its size. The bigger the TV, the further away  your child should sit.

4.    Take your child for eye checkups yearly:

5.    Ensure a healthy lifestyle:

    *   Eat a balanced diet.
    *   Have at least eight hours of sleep each night to rest the eyes.
    *   Instead of just playing computer games, participate in outdoor games as well.



Tuesday, 1 November 2011

How to avoid knee pain

Weight loss – Carrying as few as ten extra pounds can affect the use of your knees. Proper diet and exercise can help you to drop pounds and limit the pressure on this joint.

Exercise – The knee is a joint that supports a lot of weight. To keep it working, strengthen it with weight-bearing exercises. Using a program targeted at improving joint health can help you strengthen the muscles and ligaments that support the knee so that the knee cap doesn’t shift or move during normal activities.

Stretching – Stretching isn’t just good for a warm-up before exercise. Making a habit of performing some sort of stretching each day can increase the flexibility of your muscles. When muscles move better they can help support joints better. There is less chance of injury.

Protect the knee – Avoid exercises that put a lot of pressure on the knee. This can be a team sport like hockey or soccer. It can also happen in the workplace. Improper technique when bending or lifting can affect the health of the knee. Bending from the knee protects the back, but putting the balance in your gluts protects the knee.

Know your limits – When you feel pain in your knee, stop what you are doing. different to popular opinion, pain is not a sign of any type of physical gain. Choose a less strenuous exercise, especially if you are getting back to exercising after a inactive life. See a doctor to learn how to deal with your particular pain.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Health tips for corn

Health benefits of corn:
* Corn is a rich source of calories and forms a part of the staple diet among many populations. The calorific content of corn is 342 calories per 100grams, among the highest in cereals.
* Corn starch is used in the manufacture of many cosmetics and may also be applied topically to soothe skin rashes and irritations. Corn products can be used to replace carcinogenic petroleum products which form major components of cosmetic preparations.
* Owing to the presence of thiamin, corns have been said to help in the metabolism of carbohydrates. 
* The insoluble fiber in corn makes it good for those suffering from common digestive ailments, like constipation and hemorrhoids. 
* Those suffering from anemia have shown positive effects after consuming corns. 
* Corn is a straight resource of folic acid, vitamin B1, B5, C, E, magnesium and phosphorus. It is measured to be short in protein, due to the least content of the tryptophan and amino acids lysine.  On the opposing, it is an excellent source of fiber, complex carbohydrate, and beneficial essential fatty acids. 
* Consuming foods rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, an orange-red carotenoid found in highest amounts in corn, pumpkin, papaya, red bell peppers, tangerines, oranges and peaches, may significantly lower one’s risk of developing lung cancer.  
Adding More corn to Your Diet:   Try corn as side sauted with green chilies and onions. Add frozen corn to soup, chili and chowder. Use  corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas. The addition of corn a couple of times a week to your diet will have healthful benefits.