Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Health tips for childrens eye care

The following are good eye care tips for the children:

kids eyes

1. Reduce time spent in near work:
    * Reduce time spent on playing games in hand-held electronic devices, or handphone games and other    computer related activities such as blogging and internet chats.
    * Encourage your child to take a break after 30-40 minutes of near work such as reading or writing.   Your   child should look at distant objects for 3 to 5 minutes. They could look out of the window into the distance.

2. Increase time spent on outdoor activities every day:

    *  Increase time spent on outdoor activities like ball games, walks in the park or a family picnic at the beach, etc as there is rising support that outdoor activities may delay the onset or development of shortsightedness in your child.
    *  Outdoor activities should not include reading or playing hand-held games outdoors. Instead, encourage your child to engage in fun activities that involve body movements to increase physical fitness.

3. Encourage other healthy eye care habits:
    *  Ensure there is satisfactory lighting in the room.
    *  When reading, hold the book about 30 cm away from the eyes.
    *  Make sure when using the computer, the monitor screen is about 50 cm away from the eyes.
    *  Sit at a distance away from the TV that is appropriate to its size. The bigger the TV, the further away  your child should sit.

4.    Take your child for eye checkups yearly:

5.    Ensure a healthy lifestyle:

    *   Eat a balanced diet.
    *   Have at least eight hours of sleep each night to rest the eyes.
    *   Instead of just playing computer games, participate in outdoor games as well.



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