Monday, 10 October 2011

Healthy weight loss for busy women

Drink water for effective and healthy weight loss: This tip is easy to follow no matter how busy your day is. Drinking too much water is hardly ever possible. Make sure you drink a glass of water ten-fifteen minutes before eating, it will make you feel fuller. As a result, you will eat less. Also, try to drink cold water because it helps your body burn calories when it works on warming it up.

Shop with a list to stick to your healthy fat loss plan: Avoid grocery shopping without a list. If you do shop without a proper written out plan in mind and purse, you will easily give in to temptation of buying and eating something that hardly ever suggests healthy weight loss… So make a list of foods to buy and follow it religiously. You know how to lose weight, so cross out especially fattening and useless foods of your list.

More water. Another healthy way to lose weight for busy women: We all enjoy our morning shower. So why not combine joy with healthy weight loss and turn the water cold for about twenty seconds just before getting out of shower! It can be quite shocking and a bit too refreshing at first, but if you repeat the procedure every morning, you will come to like it. You’ll be surprised ladies, but it speeds up your metabolism and contributes to healthy fat loss.

Fit exercising into your schedule. Small workouts for busy women: Remember that if you don’t exercise, healthy dieting will not work. So try to fit at least ten-minute workouts into your busy day regularly. They will help you lose weight and keep in shape. What is more, exercising will make you feel better and release the tension you feel in your body after another working day. Proper workouts and healthy dieting is a great weight loss for busy women.

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