Mangoes are full packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and contain like all fruits very few proteins, fats and calories. Mangoes are perfect to replenish salts, vitamins and energy after physical exercise mangoes strengthens and invigorates the nerve tissues in muscles, heart and brain and other parts of the body.
Eye health: One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight. Eating mangoes regularly prevents night blindness, refractive errors, dryness of the eyes, softening of the cornea, itching and burning in the eyes.
Benefits to skin: Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin. What this means is that people who suffer from acne, which is caused by clogged pores, will benefit from mango. Just remove the mango pulp and apply it on your skin for about 10 minutes before washing it. Eating mango regularly makes the complexion fair and the skin soft and shining.
Boost memory: Mangoes are useful to children who lack concentration in studies as it contains Glutamine acid which is good to boost memory and keep cells active.
Weight gain: Mangoes can be beneficial for people wanting to gain weight. A 100 gram of mango contains about 75 calories. Also, raw mangoes contain starch which get converted into sugar as the fruit ripens. So ripe and sweet mangoes when consumed with milk (rich in protein) can be very helpful in weight gain.
Avoid heat stroke: Unripe mangoes, a rich source of pectin, when steamed and juiced with cumin rock salt and sugar, provide an excellent remedy for heat stroke and heat exhaustion in summer.
Nutritional values of mango:
Calories:57, Fibre:2,6 g, Vitamin C 37mg, Vitamin E 1 mg
I like eating mango because it is very testy and beneficial for health. Mangoes are also a source of potassium and vitamin.