Wednesday 5 October 2011

Avoid oily food

DIETITIANS are warning Bruneians to avoid an excessive intake of oily and fried food throughout the Ramadhan period, as such food will only add more health problems.

The inclination towards non oily food is increasing among people. And this is undoubtedly a healthy approach. If you can avoid having food that contains too much oil, be assured, you will have to make minimum rounds of the health clinics.

There are different ways in which you can avoid oily food and include non oily food in your diet. In fact there are many food lovers who have started loving food prepared without oil

Make use of water instead of oil. If you cook at a lower temperature, it slows desertion of water. saliva 6 drug test kit (amp/mamp/coc/opi/thc/pcp) prices If you are not comfortable with water, you can use vegetable, chicken stock instead.

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