Thursday, 22 December 2011

Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy:

Healthy tips for pregnency women
Healthy tips for pregnancy women

Exercise is a big plus for both you and your baby..Exercise increases the blood flow to your skin, giving you a healthy glow. some best exercise during pregency for swimming, Bicycling, Walking....

Exercise is generally considered good for you, but you should always get professional advice when it comes to health and the protection of your baby.

Exercise did not prevent extra weight gain and about half of the women in both groups gained more weight than standard recommendations.

A Checklist Before Exercising:

* Drink lots of water. Carry along a bottle of water or a sports drink with you.
* Wear comfortable shoes that fit well.
* Wear loose, comfortable clothing
* Do some stretching exercises in advance to get your muscles warmed up and flexible  before starting your exercise procedure.
* Get plenty of rest. Don't exercise if you're too tired.

Reduce Stress: Preparing for a child can give you many emotions: excitement, fear, anxiety and anticipation. Exercise will help boost your serotonin levels, lifting your mood and controlling your emotions.

Better Sleep: Having an extra 15 pounds on your tummy can make it hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. But regular exercise will allow you to relax and get a more restful sleep.

Energy Boost: Regular exercise will help combat your pregnancy from draining your energy.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Some stress management tips:

Stress can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases, can cause death. Here are some tips on how to recognize symptoms of stress and manage that stress effectively.

The first tip in managing stress is to recognize your stressors.The next step is to put each of them in their place.  

stress management tips
Stress Management Tips

Develop a support network: Support networks can include family, friends, or workmates. If you're a stay-at-home parent, it's especially important to reach out to others for support. Get to know the other parents at your child's school. If you have a very young child, try to find a play group or mom's group to attend. Volunteer at your child's school.

Leave time for relaxing: Don't overbook yourself. Be selective about the activities you choose for yourself and your family members. Kids need time to unwind, just like adults. Stressed parents can create stressed children. Enjoy relaxing with your kids. Have fun playing board games, going for walks, or watching movies together.  And don't forget taking time to relax by yourself or with friends.  Get yourself a     babysitter and enjoy some kid free time!

Keep a journal: Jot things down that make you feel stressed. Look for patterns. Try to pinpoint your exact stressors. Formulate solutions. Sometimes, merely the act of recording your feelings in a journal will help alleviate your stress. 

Check out stress management books to get more ideas on stress reduction activities.

Friday, 16 December 2011

The health benefits of being in love:

Love makes you smarter:
Falling in love induces a calming effect on the body and mind by raising levels of nerve growth for about a year. This hormone-like substance helps to restore the nervous system and improves memory by triggering the growth of new brain cells. 

Love helps fight cancer:
A new study from the University of Iowa found that ovarian cancer patients with a strong sense of connection to others and satisfying relationships had more vigorous "natural killer" cell activity at the site of their tumours than those who didn't have those social ties.

Love makes you live longer:

love can increase and extending our life spans and improving our mental health states, including reducing depression, for those who focus their attention on giving or helping others...

Love can lower your cholesterol:
Expressing your feelings of affection can reduce cholesterol levels.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

How to Reduce your belly fat:

Reduce your Belly fat
Reduce your Belly fat

Belly fat is a common problem for both men and women. To reduce belly fat is the biggest issue today for everyone. Now research studies indicate that the extra belly fat could challenge your healthy living goals. There are many different methods available to reduce belly fat.

Exercise is very important factor to lose stomach fat. To reduce belly fat one should perform regular exercises like aerobics and also should maintain healthy weight loss diet. Due to exercises you can burn all your unwanted calories and you can surely reduce belly fat.

Some tips for Reduce your belly fat:
  • Do some effective exercises like swimming, jogging, brisk walking, and running for lose belly fat.
  • Drink minimum eight – nine glasses of water.
  • Mix cinnamon in ginger tea or lemon tea and drink once in a day. It helps to reduce stomach fat.
  • Try to lead stress free life and have enough sleep.
  • Intake limited sugar.
  • Add fat burning foods in your daily diet.Include foods rich in vitamin like broccoli, green tea, cabbage, carrots, beans, grapes, watermelon, papayas, apples, garlic, ginger etc.
  • Avoid dairy foods and carbonated drinks.. It is also helps to reduce your stomach fat...